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Multicultural tour

Tour length

8 touring days


Light | Medium | Hard

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Unesco sites


Full Itinerary

4 nights in Tel-Aviv, 5 nights in Jerusalem

  • Full day in Tel-aviv
  • Mediterranean coast + Acre
  • Jerusalem Old city + Bethlehem
  • Jerusalem new city + museums
  • Masada and the Dead sea
  • Judean foothills + the land of thousands caves
  • Visit a winery
  • Boat ride in Achziv bay area– An exciting boat ride to a protected marine reserve. Achziv bay consists of the shores and few small islands which are the home of various unique species.
  • Israeli innovation center- Explore the country’s booming high-tech sector and learn about the ingenuity and persistence that gave Israel the title of “Start-up Nation”.
  • Sound and Light show in Jerusalem- An enchanting entertainment after dinner. The show is a beautiful presentation of Jerusalem’s history, projected on the walls of the biblical city.
  • Lunch and swim at a Dead Sea resort- Upgrade your Dead sea experience by visiting one of the resorts and enjoying its private beach and facilities.
  • Extention to Jordan-  Add a couple of days to your trip and explore the fascinating country of Jordan. Visit Petra- the famous “Rose City”. It was carved out of the Red Rock Mountains and became one of the seven new wonders of the world.

Full Itinerary

Day 1
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10

Day 1 – arrival

Shalom and welcome to Israel!

You are about to embark on an amazing journey, discovering the colorful facets of Israel and creating unforgettable memories with your family and friends.

Upon arrival in Israel, our representative will meet you and escort you to the hotel. 



Included Meals:



Day 2 – Tel Aviv-Jaffa

After meeting our guide and driver, we will travel to the Ayalon Institute – a Jewish underground ammunition factory that was disguised as a laundry room in a kibbutz.
Then we will proceed to Jaffa the older part of Tel Aviv.
We’ll stop at the scenic lookout over Tel Aviv, continue strolling through the colorful Artists’ Quarter and pay a visit to the Flea Market.
After lunch, we’ll travel to the Rothschild Boulevard – Tel Aviv’s main financial district. We’ll get to see several Bauhaus-style houses that crowned the area with the title of “The White City”.
We’ll visit the Neve Tzedek neighborhood – a gentrified artsy area that once was a pioneering center of Jewish culture. Today it is filled with art galleries and designer shops.
Our last stop is the Carmel Market – the main market of Tel-Aviv.
Its vibrant, messy and noisy atmosphere will leave you with a taste for more.

We conclude the day and return to the hotel.

Included Meals:




Day 3 – Mediterranean Coastline 

We’ll begin by traveling to the ancient Roman city of Caesarea. Among the various ruins, we can find an impressive Roman theater, race track and a beautiful palace.
Our next stop is the scenic city of Haifa. It is the third-largest in Israel and the home of different communities.
We’ll drive by the
Bahai Gardens – a shrine with a breath-taking view that is undoubtedly one of Israel’s pearls.
After lunch, we’ll continue to Acre (called Akko by locals).
Known as the walled port city, it features the well-preserved Crusader Quarters, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

We conclude the day and return to the hotel.

Included Meals:




Day 4 – Leisure Day

You get to spend this day on your own.

Here are some fun activities you can enjoy:

  • Graffiti Tour. Stroll along the eccentric Florentin neighborhood that features a hipster vibe and bohemian lifestyle, and learn about the blossoming graffiti subculture through the constantly changing artworks. 
  •  Culinary Tour. Visit one of the main markets and explore the local culture through a unique experience of sights, tastes, and smells.
  • Visit Nahalat Binyamin – a famous arts and crafts market, open on Tuesdays and Fridays.
    Here, local artists present their hand-made goods, from sparkling jewelry to unique furniture.

Included Meals:




Day 5 – Judean Lowlands

After checking out, we’ll drive to the Armored Corps Museum – Israel’s main Armored Corps memorial with one of the largest collections of tanks and armored vehicles in the world.
Then, we’ll proceed to Maresha. Situated in the heart of the Land of Thousand Caves, Maresha is a mound known for its multiple hand-carved caves that were used for a wide range of purposes.
We’ll travel through the Valley of Elah, where the Israelites clashed with the Philistines, and the young shepherd David defeated the Philistine champion Goliath.
Our last stop is at a local winery. The rich soil and the warm climate of the region set the perfect background for a thriving wine-making industry from the antiquities.

We conclude the day and drive to the hotel in Jerusalem. 

Included Meals:




Day 6 – Old Jerusalem

After breakfast, we’ll head to the Mount of Olives.
We’ll stop for the
panoramic view of Jerusalem a great spot to recount the biblical significance of the city and the prophecies of the future.
We’ll proceed to the Western Wall – the main place of worship for the Jewish people. According to the tradition, visitors are welcome to leave a prayer note at the wall.
We’ll enter the Western Wall Tunnels. Discovered during the late 19th century, the tunnels offer a magnificent look at the long-hidden structures adjacent to the Temple Mount.
After lunch, we’ll proceed to the Christian Quarter and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The church is the celebrated site of the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We walk to Mt Zion, where we visit the Upper Room, the site where Jesus had the Last Supper with the disciples; and also the Tomb of King David, a synagogue that houses the tomb of the glorious King.

We conclude the day and return to the hotel.

Included Meals:




Day 7 – Bethlehem and New Jerusalem.

We’ll start with Bethlehem, the hometown of King David and the birthplace of Jesus. We’ll visit the Nativity Church. Established in the 4th century, it points to the birthplace of Jesus and is presently shared by 3 denominations.
Our next stop is the Shepherd’s Field. A tranquil church on the outskirts of Bethlehem, this is the site where the angel appeared before the shepherds and brought them the good news (Luke 2).
After lunch, we’ll drive to New Jerusalem and visit the Israel Museum.
Among the wide variety of exhibitions, we’ll get to see the Dead Sea Scrolls – the oldest biblical manuscripts in the world, and the Model of Jerusalem during the Second Temple period.
Our last site is Yad Vashem – Israel’s official Holocaust memorial that bears witness to one of the darkest times in Jewish history.
We will make our way to the main museum; the well-put exhibitions and the never-ending testimonies will leave you speechless.

We conclude the day and return to the hotel.

Included Meals:




Day 8: Old & New Jerusalem

If security regulations allow it, we’ll enter the Temple Mount.
This is where once stood the First and Second Jewish Temples. Nowadays, it is a large Muslim complex with two famous shrines – Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Next, we’ll visit the Davidson Center – an archaeological garden on the south-western side of the  Temple Mount.  It exposes astonishing remains that go back to the Second Temple.
We’ll continue to the City of David, where David conquered Jebus and Jeremiah was held in the pit.  Many Old Testament events unfold, as we take a walk among the palace remains and go down Warren’s Shaft.
Next, we’ll travel to the Machane Yehuda Market.
While strolling through the stalls, we’ll get exposed to Israeli culture and cuisine.  Your senses may get overwhelmed by the abundance of colors, smells and flavors.

We conclude the day and return to the hotel.

Included Meals:




Day 9 – Masada & the Dead Sea

After breakfast, we’ll travel to Ein Gedi – a magnificent nature reserve abundant with waterfalls, flora, fauna, and history that goes back to King David’s time.
We continue to Masada. King Herod’s outstanding fortress was the arena of the final events of the Great Jewish revolt against the Romans.
Our last stop is the Dead Sea – the lowest point on Earth.
Its buoyant waters are abundant with minerals and offer an excellent opportunity to enjoy a natural open-air spa.

We conclude the day and return to the hotel.

Included Meals:




Day 10- Departure

After checking out, we’ll leave the hotel and travel to the airport to catch your flight.
We hope you enjoyed Israel and are looking forward to seeing you again.

Shalom U’Lehitraot.




Included Meals:



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