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All of Israel – Family Tour

Tour information

Tour length

10 touring days


Light | Medium | Hard

Avg group size


Unesco sites


Full Itinerary

2 night in Tel Aviv, 2 nights in Galilee, 4 nights in Jerusalem, 2 nights in Mitzpe Ramon , 1 night in Tel Aviv

  • Western Wall including the Tunnels
  • Advanced Jerusalem: City tour, Museums and Market
  • Advanced Tel Aviv – Jaffa: City tour, Museum and Market
  • Masada & The Dead Sea
  • Geo-Politics in Golan Heights + Kibbutz tour
  • Full day of Mediterranean coast + Akko
  • Jewish Galilee – Safed
  • Adventurous Day in Gush Etzion + Caliber 3
  • Judean Lowlands and Archeological Dig
  • Negev & Ramon Crater
  • Local winery- Visit one of Israel’s finest wineries. Swirl, Sip, and enjoy the many unique blends that were created by award-winning winemakers.
  • Chocolate factory & workshop- a fun experience for the whole family. Visit an Israeli boutique chocolate factory and create your own delicious candies. Yum!
  • Culinary tour at Machane Yehuda Marketexplore the local culture on a deeper level, through the food, colors, and aromas of Jerusalem’s main market.
  • Guided tour with the curator at Yad Vashem- The meaningful tour with a Yad Vashem expert will leave a great impact on your visit.
    Listen to the stories behind the items on display and learn about the brave, difficult, and unfathomable choices that Jewish people had to make during the Holocaust.
  • Meet with IDF soldiers- Serving in the IDF is an integral part of life in Israel. Meet the male and female soldiers at their position and listen to stories about their service and the obstacles they encounter.

Full Itinerary

Day 1
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12

Day 1 – Arrival

Shalom and welcome to Israel!

You are about to embark on an amazing journey, discovering the colorful facets of Israel and creating unforgettable memories with your family and friends.

Upon arrival in Israel, our representative will meet you and escort you to the hotel. 



Included Meals:



Tel Aviv

Day 2 – Tel Aviv-Jaffa

After meeting with our guide and driver, we’ll travel to the Palmach Museum.  Dedicated to one of the main pre-1948 resistance forces, the museum tells the stories about the heroic men and women, who fought for the establishment of the State of Israel.
Next, we’ll drive to Jaffa – the old part of Tel Aviv. In the past, it was an important port city, and nowadays, it is a gentrified bustling area with many attractions to offer.
We’ll stop for a scenic lookout over Tel Aviv, stroll through the colorful Artists’ Quarter, and pay a visit to the flea market.
After lunch, we’ll visit the Rothschild Boulevard – the main financial district of Tel Aviv. We’ll get to see several Bauhaus-style houses, due to which the area is known as “The White City”.
Then, we’ll proceed to Neve Tzedek a pioneering center of Jewish culture in the past, and a gentrified area in present, filled with art galleries and designer shops.
Our final stop is the Carmel Market – the leading marketplace of Tel-Aviv. It is vibrant, noisy, messy, and will leave you with a taste for more.

We’ll conclude the day and return to the hotel.

Included Meals:



Tel Aviv

Day 3 –  Mediterranean Coastline 

After check out, we’ll drive to the ancient Roman city of Caesarea. Among the various ruins, we can find a Roman theater, race track, and a beautiful palace.
After lunch, we’ll continue to Acre. Famous for the “Walled City” and its well-preserved Crusader Quarters, it was nominated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Our final stop is Rosh HaNikra Grottoes – a beautiful nature reserve, where we’ll learn about the gentle mutuality between the sea and mountains.

We finish the day and drive to our new hotel.

Included Meals:




Day 4: Upper Galilee and the Golan Heights

We’ll begin by traveling to Safed, known as the center of Jewish mysticism.
We’ll walk through the narrow alleys and hear remarkable stories of prominent Rabbis that once lived here.
We’ll proceed to the Banias Nature Reserve – a beautiful sanctuary with hiking trails leading up to the gushing waterfalls of the Hermon stream.
After lunch, we’ll stop at Mount Bental. Once an Israeli outpost, it offers a great view of Syria and a chance to talk about recent events in the region.
Our final activity is an ATV ride in the Golan Heights. (Driver needs to present a valid driver’s license – driver’s permit is NOT enough) 

We’ll conclude the day and return to the hotel.

Included Meals:




Day 5 – Jordan Valley 

After check out, we’ll travel to Kibbutz Ein Gev for a guided tour.
Here, we learn about their unique ways of life and hear inspiring stories of existence in the shadow of Syria.
We’ll proceed to Beit Alfa –a 5th-century synagogue with an awe-striking mosaic floor.
After lunch, we’ll go for a camel ride in the wilderness – the ultimate Bedouin experience.
We’ll make our way to Jerusalem and enter the Holy City.
Welcome to Jerusalem!

It’s time to check into the hotel in Jerusalem and have some rest.

Included Meals:




Day 6 Old Jerusalem

Our first stop is at the top of the Mount of Olives that features a breathtaking view of the Holy City and is a great spot to recount its biblical significance.
Next, we’ll visit the Western Wall – the main place of worship for the Jewish people. According to the tradition, visitors are welcome to leave a prayer note at the wall.
We’ll enter the Western Wall Tunnels. Originally discovered in the late 19th century, the underground spaces offer a magnificent look at the long-hidden structures next to the Temple Mount.
Next are the Christian Quarter and The Holy Sepulchre Church.
The church is shared by six denominations and is the site of the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We’ll proceed to Mount Zion and visit the Upper Room, where Jesus had the Last Supper with his disciples, and the Tomb of King David – a synagogue that houses the tomb of the Glorious King.

We’ll conclude the day and return to the hotel.

Included Meals:




Day 7 – Old & New Jerusalem

After a short ride, we’ll arrive at the City of David. Here, David conquered Jebus and Jeremiah was held in the pit. Many Old Testament events will unfold, as we walk through the remains of the Palace and go down the Warren Shaft.
Afterward, we’ll travel to the Machane Yehuda Market. While strolling through the stalls, we’ll be exposed to Israeli culture and cuisine.
Prepare to overwhelm your senses with the colors, smells and flavors.
After lunch, we’ll visit Yad Vashem – Israel’s official Holocaust memorial that bears witness to one of the darkest times in Jewish history.
We will make our way to the main museum; the well-put exhibitions and the never-ending testimonies will leave you speechless.

We’ll conclude the day and return to the hotel.

Included Meals:




Day 8 – Gush Etzion Area

First, we’ll travel to The Thousand Lookout, which provides a 360 degree view of Israel from the Mediterranean Sea on the west to the mountains of Jordan on the east.
Next is zip-lining in the “Land of Deers”. Set in a huge forest in a mountain area, it is the longest zip-line in Israel. Enjoy the ride and the breathtaking view.
Afterward, we’ll visit the “Caliber 3” Counter Terror & Security Training Academy. Here, we’ll learn about the challenges that Israel faces every day and get a taste of IDF combat training.
Our last stop is at Herodium, where we explore the splendorous fortress of King Herod the Great, and witness his monumental burial place.

We’ll conclude the day and return to the hotel.

Included Meals:




Day 9 – Masada & the Dead Sea

After check out, we’ll travel to Ein Gedi – a magnificent nature reserve abundant with waterfalls, flora, fauna, and history that goes back to the time of King David.
Next, we’ll continue to Masada – an impressive fortress built by King Herod, which served as the arena for the last events of the Great Jewish Revolt and currently is a symbol of Jewish heroism.
Next is the Dead Sea – the lowest place in the world. Its buoyant waters are abundant with minerals and offer an excellent opportunity to enjoy a natural open-air spa.
Afterward, we’ll travel to Mitzpe Ramon – originally a small mining town on the edge of  Makhtesh Ramon, nowadays it is a great desert destination with breathtaking views and many activities to offer. 

We’ll finish the day and drive to our new hotel.

Included Meals:



Mitzpe Ramon

Day 10 –  Negev Desert

We’ll start with a Jeep excursion in the Makhtesh Ramon area. Driving through the giant crater, we’ll enjoy the primordial landscape and explore its many hidden gems.
After lunch, we’ll travel to Ben Gurion’s tomb – the final resting place of the first prime minister of Israel and his wife.  David Ben Gurion understood the importance of populating the desert area and he set a personal example by living here while serving as the head of state.
Next is a hike in Ein Avdat – a true oasis with a flourishing ecosystem.
We’ll walk through the curvy canyon to the natural water pools and discover the kingdom of eagles and ibexes.

We’ll conclude the day and return to the hotel.


Included Meals:



Mitzpe Ramon

Day 11 – Shfela Region – the Judean Lowlands 

After check out, we’ll travel to Maresha. Situated in the heart of the Land of Thousand Caves, it is famous for its extensive cave systems that were carved by man and used for many different purposes.
After a short tour, we’ll join the Dig for a Day” Project. Ancient Maresha is being slowly exposed and participants are welcome to take part in the archeological excavations. Prepare your shovels and let’s get to work!
After lunch, we’ll proceed to Ayalon Institute a Jewish underground ammunition factory that was disguised as a laundry room in a kibbutz.

We’ll finish the day and drive to our new hotel.

Included Meals:




Day 12 – Departure

After check out, we’ll travel to the airport to catch your flight.
We hope you enjoyed your stay in Israel and are looking forward to seeing you again.

Shalom U’Lehitraot.





Included Meals:



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