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Day in the Galilee

" the way of the sea, beyond the jordan, in the Galilee of the gentiles. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light..."

Isaiah 9

The Galilee region stretches from the Mediterranean shores to the precious Sea of Galilee and the Jordan valley.
The scenery consists of long valleys cutting through broad mountain ranges, and wherever you turn, you will see the endless fields with their wide range of crops.
This was the land of the farmers and fishermen that first followed Jesus Christ, and it served as the main center of his ministry.

Tour length

10 hours


Light | Medium | Hard

Avg group size

Private & Small groups

Full Itinerary
Full Itinerary

We’ll begin with Nazareth, the hometown of Jesus, and visit the Basilica of Annunciation, where Mary received the announcement that she will conceive and bear a son. 
We’ll drive through Cana to the Sea of Galilee.
We’ll stop at Mount of Beatitudes, where Jesus is believed to have delivered the Sermon on the Mount. (Matthew 5)
We’ll proceed to the Church of Multiplication – a beautifully decorated 5th-century church with a stunning mosaic floor. Here, Jesus fed the 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. (Matthew 14) 
Next is the Church of Peter’s Primacy, where Jesus appeared before his disciples after the resurrection and instructed Peter “Feed my lambs… Tend my sheep… Feed my sheep”. (John 21)
We’ll drive to the ancient town of Capernaum, titled “The Town of Jesus.” We’ll explore the remains of the lavish synagogue and will visit the house of Peter’s mother-in-law, while recounting the miracles that were performed here. 
Our last stop will be at Yardenit – a baptismal site on the Jordan River. Here, we’ll have the opportunity to reconnect with the Biblical event of Jesus’s baptism and baptize in the Jordan River.

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