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Answers to the most asked questions.

What should I pack for a trip to Israel?

Great question! Below, we made a list for our tourists, which includes everything that is important for you to know, if you want to prepare for your trip properly. click here to watch the list.

How’s the weather in Israel?

Israeli weather is very season-dependent: summer (June-September) is very hot and winter (December-March) is chilly and rainy, but significantly less so than in North America. Autumn (September-November) and spring (March-May) are the most convenient for traveling, but even in these seasons, some days are hotter than others.

What is the standard voltage in Israel?

Israel operates on 230 V voltage and 50 Hz frequency, which is the European standard, so visitors from the US will have to bring adapters. Click here to learn more.

Is there a specific dress code?

Israel is a modern, western country in this regard. However, during your trip, you are going to visit sites that are holy for different religions, which would require wearing a modest outfit. Click here to learn more.

Is a trip to Israel considered family-friendly?

Israel is a very diverse country that offers a wide range of sites and activities. You can plan a few charming trips and visit many sites and attractions for the whole family to enjoy. Here you can take a peek at our family tours.

Would it be possible to visit neighboring countries during the trip to Israel?

Definitely! While vising Israel, you can also visit our neighbors – Jordan and Egypt, with Jordan currently being the more popular destination. Many tourists extend their trip for this exact purpose. We will be happy to help you plan all the necessary logistics.

Do I need a visa to travel to Israel?

In most cases, a passport would be enough, but residents of some countries still need to get a travel visa. You can find the list here.

Is there anything I need to know about the airport in Israel?

In Israel, due to past experience, security procedures are very strict. Sometimes, tourists find themselves being asked questions for a long time, which can even happen before departure. You should take this into account and arrive at the Ben-Gurion Airport about 3 hours before the flight.

What souvenirs would you recommend to buy in Israel?

We’ve made a detailed list of the best souvenirs you can get in Israel. To check out what we recommend – click here.

How about tap water in Israel? Is it safe to drink?

There are many desalination plants in Israel, and tap water is safe to drink. Nevertheless, we recommend drinking bottled water. You can purchase it from the bus driver for $1 a bottle. If you’re on a private tour, water will be provided by your guide.

Is it customary to leave tips in Israel?

Yes, in Israel, it is customary to leave tips when you pay for various services. In restaurants, it is common to give the waiter a 10-15% gratuity. Tips are also given to instructors, drivers, bellboys, etc.

Is it safe to travel in Israel?

Despite Israel’s reputation of a dangerous country, the opposite is true. Significant efforts are made to prevent and thwart any hostile activity. In addition, the crime rate in Israel is very low. Therefore, Israel is considered a very safe destination for tourists.

Will my mobile phone have reception in Israel?

Of course! You’ll have an excellent signal in most areas you’ll travel. Many tourists purchase an international package from their provider to be able to make calls and surf the internet freely.

Are health services available for tourists?

Israel has an excellent healthcare system that complies with strict requirements and adheres to high standards, just as any other “western” country. If necessary, you can contact private medical services or have a physician visit you in the hotel. Make sure your travel insurance covers hospitalization and medical care.

Is it safe to travel in the West Bank?

Many tourists visit Bethlehem and Jericho as part of their trip (in the concept of Christian pilgrimage sites). In addition, the trip takes the tourists along the Jordan Valley and the highway that leads to the Dead Sea. These are safe places passed by tens of thousands of Israelis daily. Traveling through unsafe areas without necessity should be avoided. We will be happy to assist and advise on the subject.

Is the COVID-19 incidence rate in Israel considered high?

Israel has the highest percentage of people vaccinated against COVID-19. Most of the population was vaccinated or recovered from the disease. Currently, the percentage of positive tests is very small and the country is on its way to become virus-free.

Do I have to get a stamp in my passport upon entering Israel?

Israel has stopped stamping passports a few years ago. Instead, you will receive a B/2 Visitor’s Visa that you should have with you for the entire trip.

Would I have any problem entering Israel if my passport was stamped in an Arab country?

Having your passport stamped in an Arab country will not prevent you from entering Israel. However, you may have to answer all kinds of questions about the purpose of your visit to the Arab country, as well as the purpose of your visit to Israel.