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Ancient Jerusalem

"Whoever did not see Jerusalem in its days of glory, never saw a beautiful city in their life"


Jerusalem was created thousands of years ago.
Its political status and spiritual importance led many nations to conquer it time after time.
While walking the streets of Old Jerusalem, we’ll enter an ancient world with treasures hidden beneath the surface.
On this tour, we will dive into the Underground Jerusalem and explore its royal past.

Tour length

7-8 hours


Light | Medium | Hard

Avg group size

Private & Small groups

Full Itinerary
Full Itinerary

We’ll start by visiting the Herodian Quarter – a large residential complex with 2,000-year-old mansions of the priestly families.
We’ll proceed to the Western Wall tunnels, which were discovered in the late 19th century, and run underneath the Muslim Quarter.
They were expanded a few decades ago and now offer a magnificent look at the long-hidden structures adjacent to the Temple Mount.
Afterward, we’ll visit the Davidson Center – an archaeological garden with astonishing remains that go back to the 2nd Temple era.
Here, we’ll see the main entrance to the old Temple and visualize the last steps that a pilgrim would take upon completing the journey to Jerusalem.
We’ll conclude our tour in the City of David, The place where everything began.
Here, David conquered Jebus, and Jeremiah was held in the pit.
Many Old Testament events will unfold, as we walk through the remains of the Palace and go down the Warren Shaft.
Our Indiana Jones experience is about to start.

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